Privacy Policy

1. The Linha Aérea will collect information regarding the User via of an electronic form, namely, those provided directly by the user when registering on the page.

2. The User Registration assumes the provision of the requested information and contained in the Form Registration, namely:
i. Email;

3. The data provided in the Register will be treated by the Linha Aérea in accordance with the precepts legally applicable, namely:
a. Treated lawfully and with respect for the principle of good faith;
b. Collected for specific, explicit and legitimate purposes, and cannot be treated for other purposes;
c. Accurate and, if necessary, updated, appropriate measures must be taken to ensure that inaccurate or incomplete data is erased or rectified, taking into account taking into account the purposes for which they were collected or for which they are further processed; and
d. Kept to allow the identification of their owners
only for the period necessary for the continuation collection or subsequent processing, for 1 year for email marketing purposes. After the stipulated period, the data will be deleted or anonymized.

4. The data requested on the website are not considered, in light of the applicable legislation as sensitive data and are therefore not applicable to the inherent restrictions.

5. The User's personal data is collected and entered by the Linha Aérea in an automated file to carry out future Linha Aérea marketing and communication campaigns. These data may be:
transmitted to other entities, in order to complement the process sending newsletters or processing data, but will be used exclusively by the Linha Aérea.

6. The User may, at any time, review the personal data provided to the Linha Aérea and make all necessary changes to the information, and also delete your registration and information by sending an email to

7. This website uses cookies that will accompany your registration and that persist for a limited period of time, without matching data with specific records. See cookie policy.

8. The entity responsible for processing the data is the Linha Aérea, which can be contacted by email

9. Under legal terms, the data subject has the right to file a complaint with the National Data Protection Commission or other supervisory authority that is designated by the legal system in force.